
Posts Tagged ‘gnosis’

POEM: Passion, thy Quest


by the yoke of Union

Cable and Beam.

To Become

the Chalice

of intimate Knowing

To Follow

a Lineage

a tunnel

a vessel

Of Light…


For the Kingdom

Hand bound to hand

Through the realm

Of Suffering and Desolation.


for the Squared Truth of Perfection

Heart within Heart


through the sheaths of clay

Passion’s Great Yearning…

To Quest

for Eternal Splendor


the Sacred Us.

Soror XNC


Mystical ABCs

A meditation on the Alphabet:

A, A shining light, a breath of Life, a motivating power activating a Master of the World.

B, Baetylus, a resting stone of cosmic biology bringing great dreams of Above.  It marks Beth’el, the House of the Divine, and is like unto Boaz, who keeps the house strong.

C, Change through motion, change through reflection; Creation, the extraordinary change.

D, Door and Fish were once symbols of the same sound, given the same shape; the fish-shaped portal of the Goddess.

E, Equinox, the traditional opening of the year; windows open; the sounds of jubilation soar.

F, Fangs of the serpent who coils three and one-half times are like a hook, fishing for a place to dig in and lift a body up out of its element.

G, Gnosis; the holy letter; carve a space within, become the architect of your Universe, grand and good.

H, Humanity hatching from their shells of skin, searching for their Home everywhere until they turn within.

I, I AM a flame unsquelched, even when buried in the dark-moist of the Earth.

J, Jachin cast by Hiram’s hands, balancing strength with mercy; establishing victory; eternity is ours.

K, Keys to the Kingdom, passed hand to hand; a chain of Knowledge illuminating our togetherness.

L, Lead with the Heart, soar into space; balance ascends the Known horizon; Justice is restored with each morning star.

M, Mary, Fountain of Creation; my mother, the Sea; a Foundation for all that is Divine.

N, None, Zero and Nun, the Serpent Power; a snake swallowing its tail; that which must be added to the ordinary Human to become something more; nothing!

O, Ocular entry points of desire, generates optical illusions – beware!  The opposite and inverse of any appearance is often the truth.  Oneness is the only answer.

P, Pry open the mouth, a messenger that can change everything with one utterance; process this reality like your mouth breaks down and makes useful that which sustains you.

Q, Question “What am I?” and “What unfolds at the end?”  Tie on the cable, set adrift on the neural network; quiet mediation on the quintessence.

R, Rise and Shine; show your face to the world; channel the Light fantastic.

S, Super-conscious force emanating; hissing like snakes and like tongues of flame; flame bound to coal by the ember within.

T, The crucified world, suffering until marked by illumination; and then, the fixed cross of matter, transcended.

U, Universe – make yours expansive; enflamed by the bliss of understanding there is Union.

V, Victory; eradicate falsehood, vindicate truth; hear the triumph of the dawn; be new to the world each day.

W, What a trial Osiris endured, separated into parts, wanting for the lost estate!  Leading by example, following Wisdom’s whisper to walk the Way of Return.

X, ‘X’ marks the spot, the Star within; not a cross, fixed, but four-points of an axis that spins.

Y, You are the body and the mind of the Divine; yoga, the activity of Union, yokes below to Above.

Z, Zion, the reunion of cleaved apart pieces; like unto the zeal of lovers, the zelator seeks the laws of Nature, dispersed among the elemental dances of the Zodiac.

Butterfly Letters

Two quotes from The Isa Upanishad…

“And he who beholds all beings in the Self, and the Self in all beings, he never turns away from it. When to a man who understands, the Self has become all things, what sorrow, what trouble can there be to him who once beheld that unity?”

Verses 6 & 7

“All who worship what is not real knowledge (good works) enter into blind darkness; those who delight in real knowledge enter, as it were, into greater darkness. One thing, they say, is obtained from real knowledge; another, they say, from what is not knowledge. Thus we have heard from the wise who taught us this. He who knows at the same time both knowledge and not-knowledge overcomes death through not-knowledge, and obtains immortality through knowledge.”

Verses 9, 10, & 11