
Archive for the ‘Books, Texts & Quotations’ Category

Meet Me in the Center, in the Soul of the World…

Contemplating the hidden good of the center, I thought of this familiar quote:

We join spokes together in a wheel,

but it is the center hole

that makes the wagon move.

We shape clay into a pot

But it is the emptiness inside

That holds whatever we want.

We hammer wood for a house

But it is the inner space

That makes it livable."

—Tao Te Ching

All Things revolve around or encompass a center.  Atoms, cells, people, worlds, systems, galaxies.  In my book The Directory of 33 Systems and Solutions for the New Culture I explain that I once asked my Teacher what would define an “ideal reason” on which to center an intentional community striving for the “best existence obtainable,” being that how one defines their best possible existence is so very subjective.  The response was “Center it on Respite, for there is ever rest and refuge within the center of All Things.”  A five pointed star was drawn, and the number 108 was placed in the center.  I was assured that if I examined the star and the central number, I would better understand how the center is a point of “vibrant stillness,” rest, refuge, respite, et al…  Here I quote from my book:

I know the number 108 as a number of compassion and refuge, so this made sense. For example, when studying the Chakra system one will find that there are 108 energy lines converging in the Heart Chakra. Any who practices mediation, chanting and breath-work will also be familiar with calm developed through work with the number 108.

In Dharma traditions it is the number of names for God. In Islam, it is the number of God‟s name.
In astronomy, it is recognized for its frequent appearances when comparing the distances and measurements of the Sun and Earth. For example, the diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun. There are also interesting astronomical correlations between Earth and the star Eta Draconis featuring 108. When Eta Draconis was the Pole Star, the cosmic revelation that is the 108 temples of Angkor Wat was constructed. The last temple, in which 108 is heavily featured, is the terrestrial counterpart of the star Eta Draconis, dedicated to those who are “suffering in the ocean of existence” so as to bestow on them “the ambrosia of remedies to win them immortality.”

In Astrology there are 9 planets moving through 12 constellations, which also happens to multiply to 108.

108 is a number of being immersed in or “deep within” sound, or is even a way of understanding sound itself. This may be best demonstrated by the Sanskrit alphabet which has 54 letters in both a Shiva and Shakti, male and female form, for a total of 108. These pairs are mystically associated to the 54 points of intersection on the healing Sri Yantra, symbolically charging it with “all sounds” and linking it to states of extreme peace and healing. In Tantra, a practice of conscious Union, the Sri Yantra is known as a “sonic mandala”. From the permutations of Sri Yantra and the equilateral pentagon (which always has interior angles of 108º) the proportional equation governing the relationship of the notes to the musical scales is derived.

108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits. Harshad is a Sanskrit word meaning “bringing a great joy.”
It is also the extension of the first three Powers in math. 1x4x27=108. (1 to 1st power=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2×2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3).) And shares various relationships to 666, a number of Union and the Sun:

Example: 6²+6²+6² = 108

God Realization

It’s my effort and my goal to live to God realization as I possibly can – oneness. To have conflict, you need two-ness. You need two people, two ideas, two things that go up against each other. I don’t go up against anyone or anything. I feel very connected to the Source from which I emanated – a source of perfect abundance. I just never got separated from it, so I’ve always known that I am that, and it is me. This is something that’s with me wherever I go because I never doubt it. Thinking in terms of conflict or being conflicted about the abundance that has come into my life is just not a concern of mine.

I don’t believe that I am famous, because fame isn’t located in me. Fame is located in other people. Fame is a component of the ego. The ego says, “I am what I have; I am what I do; I am what others think of me.” I try to live in a spiritual consciousness, which says that who I am is a divine creation of Source that lives as a divine creation of Source. When you stay in that awareness, then you create what I call the power of intention. You create the ability to be just like God. We came from love. We came from kindness. We came from perfect abundance. If you see yourself that way, then you’ll attract that into your life. If you see yourself needing to have other people love you and care for you or buy your books or whatever, then you’ll attract lacks, shortages, and needs into your life, and I don’t have any lacks or shortages or needs. If people only knew who or what is with them, in them, beside them all the time, they would never worry about anything.

– Wayne Dyer, “Spiritual & Health”, December 2005

The Development of Action

When the opposites are reconciled, creative impulses develop into actions: they are not simply mused about in a far-off dreamy manner. A responsibility toward one’s development is grasped with new-found strength to carry it through. No longer can one sincerely blame external circumstances for one’s failures. Instead a determination develops to make things happen, to feel new feelings, to re-image oneself.”     ~ Nancy  Qualls-Corbett  (The Sacred Prostitute: Eternal Aspect of the Feminine)

Liber 88

After four months of redevelopment, LIBER 88 is finally back and will continue to expand!  There is a glitchy domain name issue that the host informs me will be around until their next upgrade, but I’ll take it as all pages are now accessible!  WOOT!  Let me know what you think…

Who are you Madame Blavatsky?

I have long maintained a sideline interest in Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society.  I say “sideline” because I’ve admittedly never been inspired to read more than a page or two of her consummate works at a time, yet at the same time find her fascinating.  An interest that has only been spurred by the fact that my brother-in-law, Prism (I come from hippies), goads me with the insistence that I must have been Helena in a past life whenever I get to talking… I find no truth in the jest but strangely, she is a topic that comes up in my life pretty consistently.

Case in point – good friend “E” just sent me this nifty documentary, titled the same as this post.  You can buy it here or locate it through various sources on-line.  It was made in 1991 starring a popular Russian actress and received critical acclaim.  The film claims that Blavatsky was the first person to state that all the world’s religions were from the same source.

Here are more resources on Madame Blavatsky:







A Zohar Verse Useful in the Study of Key 528

August 18, 2009 1 comment

I’ve been away from my study projects for some time while I work on overhauling my sites but wanted to share this verse from my morning readings for those intrigued by Key 528:

44.  Inside of the gates is a lock with a tiny and narrow keyhole.  This lock is unmarked and known only by the impression of the key.  And no one can know about this narrow keyhole without having the key for the information is concealed only in the key itself.  And upon this secret is based the verse, “In the beginning Elohim created”.  Thus “In the beginning” (Barashit) is the key by which everything is hidden, as it locks and unlocks.  With this key six gates are locked and unlocked.  So when it locks those gates and includes them within itself, then it is for sure Berasheit: a revealed word that includes within it a concealed word.  Barah, wherever it appears, is a word that hides and gaurds a secret, implying that the key can unlock it or lock it up.

Two quotes from The Isa Upanishad…

“And he who beholds all beings in the Self, and the Self in all beings, he never turns away from it. When to a man who understands, the Self has become all things, what sorrow, what trouble can there be to him who once beheld that unity?”

Verses 6 & 7

“All who worship what is not real knowledge (good works) enter into blind darkness; those who delight in real knowledge enter, as it were, into greater darkness. One thing, they say, is obtained from real knowledge; another, they say, from what is not knowledge. Thus we have heard from the wise who taught us this. He who knows at the same time both knowledge and not-knowledge overcomes death through not-knowledge, and obtains immortality through knowledge.”

Verses 9, 10, & 11

BOOK: The Templar Meridians

I have just finished reading The Templar Meridians for the second time, and thought I would share a brief summary as it’s what’s on my mind…

Like many inventions we now tend to take for granted, cartography was once occulted knowledge. This was especially true in times and places where any assertion against the popular opinion could provoke the ruling authority. More than a handful lost their lives for insisting the world wasn’t flat, or possessing maps which proclaimed too much of the Truth. And even now, with the public very much aware of the world and its geography, there are still secrets.

Long before the time of Christopher Columbus there were startlingly accurate maps of lands that were supposedly undiscovered at the time, that haven’t been above sea level since the end of the last ice age, and that we can only postulate the details of with the assistance of modern technology. These maps illustrate North and South America with an accuracy we’ve only been able to match for 200 years, show islands which haven’t been above sea level since the end of the last ice age, and clearly display the shores of Antarctica free of its thick cap of ice. At least one such map references maps held by Columbus as its source, while another references maps housed in the library of Alexandria before its demise. Yet regardless of the controversies surrounding the maps and their alluded sources, we do know a few things for certain. These ancient cartographers not only knew without a doubt the world was round, they knew its circumference and used spherical trigonometry and corrected northern points to translate the round earth into accurate flat depictions. Also the archaeological evidence itself is that long before Columbus, transatlantic exploration and settlement occurred on a regular basis in the “New World”.

Step outside the reality of our present day and just imagine how Knowledge of a precise ancient meridian as the starting point of a global navigational grid could offer those in the know great powers in terms of trade, resources, and control. Now imagine if this Knowledge hid a grand secret – the New World – and afforded those who were in on the secret the ability to enjoy a seemingly limitless supply of precious and rare metals (namely gold, copper, and titanium) without accountability or the need of record.

According to William F. Mann, author of The Templar Meridians, this grand secret buried within the long-lived vein of occulted mapping Knowledge was precisely the Hidden Treasure of the Templars. The New World was their “King Solomon’s mines” – their private supply of gold and the source of the titanium used to make their swords especially strong and indestructible. While this could at first seem far fetched, the evidence is abundant and Mann’s use of historical records, exhaustive.

What took this from plausible to probable for me is a personal awareness of the many associations between the New World and the “New Jerusalem” historically made by the various occulted Traditions. This would make it easy to juxtapose – or even combine – Truth and lies when the Templars alluded to a secret wealth discovered in Jerusalem, and lend credence to the Baconian allusion of the land of Ophir (home of King Solomon’s legendary mines) sited on the Atlantic coast!